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学名:Clubiona brachyptera
Male (holotype). Total length 2.75, prosoma length 1.60, width 1.07. Abdomen length 1.58, width 0.86. Prosoma oval, pars cephalica slightly narrowed, in profile highest just behind longitudinal fovea, gradually slopping posteriorly; integument smooth. Carapace pale yellow with some radial pattern on the carapace and diffused darker on the abdomen. Eyes with black rings and surrounded by purplish markings. Eye measurements: AME 0.08; ALE 0.10; PME 0.11; PLE 0.10; AME–AME 0.13; AME–ALE 0.13; PME–PME 0.25; PME–PLE 0.15. MOQ: 0.20 long, 0.19 anterior width, 0.32 posterior width. Legs yellow, femora with dark brown ventral band; tibiae with dark distal and proximal annuli; anterior metatarsi with distal dark band; tarsi brown. Leg formula: IV, II, I, III; leg measurements: I: 2.80 (0.85, 1.00, 0.65, 0.30); II: 3.00 (1.00, 1.15, 0.50, 0.35); III: 2.70 (0.75, 1.00, 0.60, 0.35); IV: 3.95 (1.10, 1.35, 1.00, 0.50).Male palp (Figs 2–4, 8–10) with a wing-shaped femoral retrolateral apophysis, patella with blunt prolateral apophysis; palpal tibia with a cup-shaped retrolateral tibial apophysis; sperm duct distinctive, S-shaped; apex of embolus short and blunt, originating from apico-prolateral side of tegulum; conductor sclerotized, short, elliptical, slightly curved around the embolus. Female (paratype): Total length 2.82, Carapace length 1.39, width 1.02. Abdomen length 1.43, width 0.88. Slightly larger than males; prosoma narrowed in pars cephalica; carapace with indistinct color marking. Eyes with black rings and surrounded by purplish markings. Eye measurements: AME 0.07; ALE 0.09; PME 0.07; PLE 0.08; AME–AME 0.10; AME–ALE 0.12; PME–PME 0.25; PME–PLE 0.14.MOQ: 0.20 long, 0.17 anterior width, 0.31 posterior width. Legs pale yellow. Leg formula IV, II, I, III; leg measurements: I: 2.39 (0.71, 0.94, 0.47, 0.27); II: 2.70 (0.76, 1.08, 0.59, 0.27); III: 2.39 (0.75, 0.78, 0.59, 0.27); IV: 3.57 (1.07, 1.14, 0.74, 0.62). Female genitalia with a plate shorter than wide, margin not rebordered; two copulatory opening are located at the lateral border of the epigynal window. Bursae situated laterally to the copulatory openings, large, sac_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x0002_shaped; spermatheca bases elongated tubular, encircling small fertilization ducts.